Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
The age of a domain name is one of the many factors in Google's search engine algorithm. In a small way, the age of a domain gives the appearance of longevity and therefore may give the site a higher relevancy score in Google.
CSS may hurt SEO if you use it for "black hat" tricks, On the other hand if you use CSS to make a nice and clean layout and to keep text together it won't harm your site
We do use Skype as a method of communication alongwith others like instant messengers, live chat, forums, email/helpdesk, phone, although it is not used as much as other methods.
I agree with what has been mentioned above. It's not the no. of members that matters, its the no. of active members that matters who can get the conversations going and make the place look busy. It's the activity on forums that entices the visitors to join and post. Nobody will be willing to...
To promote a forum only paid advertising won't be sufficient. You need a substantial no. of active members to make the forums look active. Once you have a good no. of active members who visit and post regularly then you can advertise through which you will get traffic and eventually new members...
You can also install the Google Toolbar on your browser which will display the PR of every site you visit. PageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. The higher the PageRank the better it is.
If you are talking about submitting your url to search engines, then don't bother, just concentrate on getting links to your site from sites already indexed by those search engines.
Inexpensive ways to get traffic to your site, make quality posts in forums with link to your site in the forum sig, exchange links with relevant high PR sites and update your site's content regularly.
I agree, your best chance to get the domain would be to contact the owner and make an offer. If the registration expires and you are the only who has backordered that domain only then you get the domain, if there are others who have backordered the same domain it will go into an auction and the...
I think running a Paid hosting company is better than a free one in terms of revenue. With free hosting the source of revenue for most of the free hosts is 'ads'.
The lower the Alexa ranking number the more heavily visited the site. Alexa rankings can be manipulated so don't bother too much about it. PageRank on the other hand is a measure of link popularity of a page. So concentrate on getting a reasonable amount of good links to your site.