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Also from the "Please Read First" thread in Free Services:
~~~Free FileStorage
Eww, there icky.
On 404 Pages They forward Asian/Middle East to Porn Sites apprently. And Unlimited Bandwidth doesn't exist. They allow Hotlinking though.
Polarhome lets you run eggdrops+ It gives you 20MB, FTP, PHP, MySQL, Telnet/SSH Access, POP3, Sucure Socket Layer, imap, smtp and no ads. The best free host in my opinion.
5MB Of WebSpace*
PHP Support
1GB Bandwidth Limit
FTP Support
Free support via forums/aim/msn.
99.99% Uptime
*You can have more when you have used this (up to 20MB)
*URL is
* 2 Lucky (Random) Users get 1 MySQL Database+50MB Space
Coming in 2 weeks :)
In our school, A couple of the teachers are really harsh, but it seems like we are _always_ in the wrong, I am not saying I am an angel, but sometimes the teachers gooo way over the top, I'll tell you a story (:p)
We was outside the Design and Technology rooms when a boy in our class kept on...