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One of the main reasons is the currency. When I convert $5/month into Rupees it comes out to around Rs 2700/- which is more than I wish to pay now. So conversion is an important factor.
Another thing is support. If for some reasons I require urgent support I can call the support guy and save...
Thanks for your suggestions. I have decided to sign up with packages turn out to be a bit expensive because they have extra charges for MySQL etc.
I'm looking for an India based host to host my personal site. My requirements
1. 10 MB web space
2. Atleast 10 POP3 Id's with SMTP
3. 500-1000 MB Data transfer per month
4. MySQL[1 DB] and PHP[Both are Must]. CGI/Perl not required.
5. Control Panel(any will do as long as it gets...
Thanks for the offer ashben, but at this point of time we are almost at the end of the contest and it would not be right to accept a paid job. We have had a lot of entries. Thanks once again. :)
$119 is the cost of the one year package for 50 MB at downtownhost(our sponsor). The price is taken into account without taking any discounts into consideration.
It depends. If you site is high traffic I would recommend PHP with a mySQL backend if it's low or moderate traffic CGI will suffice.
Ultimately it boils down to how good a script is coded
Good coding in Perl=Good coding in PHP
I'm sure Dusty will agree.
You can if you connect using a null modem cable(crossover cable)
Do some further research on google and you will come across some articles.
Edit: Read this page also
If you can pay for it I would suggest vB. It's the best script around in terms of support and functionality but it's bloody expensive.
If you looking for a free script I would suggest
1. Burning Board
2. iBForums(still in beta)
in that order. Do a search in the free...