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I am looking for a free host to host my family website. I already have a domainname working at For now i used mydomain redirection services. That works ok, but the page is loaded inside an frame.
Recently i took a look at free domain hosts, but it seems that either i have to...
accidently by googling i found this:
does anyone here use them? Let me know your experiences before i sign up there.
before you know it you find a complete list:
Any recomendations?
CVS stands for concurent version system. It allows to track changes in documents. So you can backtrack what a file looked like a month ago. And even better what is the difference between them.
So there are no other similar services like sourceforge?
Is the only to offer cvs? Or are there more companies offering something like sourceforge?
Or to state my question differently:
I am looking for a free cvs host, does anyone know of any other then sourceforge?
I am currently using access97 databases with my asp site. My providers suggest i switch to access2000 besause at bussy times acces97 supports 'crashes' access2000 does not. I don't have the budget to buy access2000 and i do not want to use illegal software. So i thougth maybe using ADO and ASP...
Is there a service i can use to remotely download a file from a site where i can download it from later? Like a remote filestorage that is able te get contents from a site that is slow.
If Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") = "" Then
Response.Redirect ""
End If
here comes your own (html) code.
Response.Redirect should be placeed before any output is send to the browser. The best place also is the first line of you code before the html tag. This way you are sure nothing is send to the browser. Also i would remove the comment tag as it might obscure the then part of your code.
Try looking at the htx/idc sytem microsoft invented for database access via the web it provides an easy way to provide for templates, without getting to complicated. And if you know you programming you can write asp/or php script to use them yourselves.
what happened to I can't reach it anymore. I wanted to update some files at my account but i does not seem to be there anymore?
Is this just temporary or are they bust?