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/Peo,'s virtual server packages offer an affordable alternative to dedicated hosting. Our Virtual Private Server (VPS) packages provide dedicated resources and full root access at a simply unbeatable cost/value ratio.
A VPS gives you an extra boost of power with a dedicated allocation...'s virtual server packages offer an affordable alternative to dedicated hosting. Our Virtual Private Server (VPS) plans provide better performance than a shared hosting platform and are one of the best bang for the buck values around, period.
A VPS gives you an extra boost of power...
Tier.Net is celebrating Cyber Monday by offering a 10% Discount on its Dedicated Servers, VPS Hosting Plans, Reseller Hosting and Shared Hosting Plans.
Sign up for any VPS Hosting, Reseller Hosting or Shared Hosting Plan with CYBER Coupon code and get 10% Discount for LIFE or Order any...
Tier.Net is thrilled to announce BRAND NEW E3-1240v3, E3-1270v3, and Dual E5-2620v2 Server Specials starting from $104/month.
Also, enjoy our full management service leaving you to concentrate on what matters most! Full management comes in many forms, but where can you get TOP TIER...
Tier.Net is thrilled to announce BRAND NEW E3-1240v3, E3-1270v3, and Dual E5-2620v2 starting from just $79/month.
Also, be sure to check out our full management option to leave you to concentrate on what matters most! Full management comes in many forms, but where can you get TOP TIER...
Tier.Net announces BRAND NEW E3-1240v3, E3-1270v3, and Dual E5-2620v2 Fall Savings Specials starting from $104/month.
Also enjoy our full management service allowing you to concentrate on what matters most! Full management comes in many forms, but where can you get TOP TIER management at...
You will find many restrictions with Free Hosting and very limited level of support. Many free hosting also do not provide backups of your data or backup tookl in control panel. Its always good to consider paid hosting if your website is important to you.
I am business development manager for Tier.Net Technologies LLC, a server and hosting provider based in Melbourne, Florida, with data centres located throughout the United States.
It really depends on the budget and website/application requirements. Dedicated Server is always best choice for hosting however its bit pricey. VPS is now being replaced with Cloud Hosting where you get flexibility to increase server resources without going through upgrade and data migration.