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If it's juts your blog and some OSS projects I suggest visiting sourceforge. Although you are limited to subdomain, reliably unlimited space, unlimited bandwidth, and a fat 1gbps pipe are always good.
CS Squad, I hope they will understand that I am running a BNC (for personal use) and not an IRCD.
geeklayer, this is the free hosting forum... where do you offer free hosting?
Jordan sounds good, do I have to contribute those posts upfront? I don't want to have to put in those posts only to have those last few spots taken already.
I am wondering if anyone has the time and space to spare me a small VPS or even jailshell.
I'd like to run a personal IRC bouncer (znc), as well as perhaps 1-process PHP-FCGI and 2-process nginx, for experimenting and stuff.
So basically all I need is * an IP, * some space (1gb?), * some...
I am available for support work. I have experience with PHP/MySQL as well as WHM inner workings, and have run my own web hosting before.
Edward Kerrigan
So like, you need a server for something, but don't have money to buy one that supports your needs?
Well, I have this VPS from Smokyhosts, which I got with some crazy 50% coupon that doesn't exist anymore. This VPS is ideal if you have some random network requirements....