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What's it not coming out of? Desktop, laptop... DVD player??
If its a laptop, take it to a shop. If its a desktop, it probably wont be much to fix but if you don't know what you're doing, take it to a shop.
It is probably worth noting that Google say forget about PR...
Quote "...don't bother thinking about it... [PageRank] is just one of over 200 signals that can affect how your site is crawled, indexed and ranked."
Sounds very interesting, may I ask where you have any evidence or examples to show of a link wheel and have you any data to compare a link wheel to other practices of SEO?
Thanks! :)
I use the Keyword Tool available free on Google Adwords for a keyword suggestion tool, and naturally Google Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics for site analysis - all free.
I've got a few sites up and running these days and they all work on Shared Hosting from a few different hosts. But I've heard that running the sites on a VPS would be better and cheaper and not too much bother to install what you need. What I have seems to manage alright, for now...
Hi suqianese,
The English is great, I understood you no problem... And I've never heard of Chinglish but sounds funny! I like your site, only thing is the logo is a bit pixelated and there's not much content, but I think it will become more interesting as it grows. Good luck :)
Hi jesicawillss,
The methods to follow for SEO for an e-commerce website will not differ too much from normal SEO practice. You may need to consider creating unique pages for each product you have, and optimizing each title, meta description, etc for that product specifically. So, although...
I think there may be exceptions for certain products but you need to consider what people like about reading tweets and your own ROI. To get really big sales of a new product may mean you tweeting for a month or so to create intrigue and desire in your customers - but is your product the next...
Hi saamarth,
To get a helpful answer, I think you need to ask something a little more specific. Or explain your question a little more. What stages of your webdesign have you already completed?
I'm going to research this because its a very good point. However, my first thoughts are that content should champion page structure - page structure is essentially the same for most sites and a logical page structure should not be penalised for being logical, i.e. logo and h1 at top with a...
Once you make a video and upload it with your website address at the end (i suppose) and have your link in the info - then what do you do? Just sit back and wait for people to find and watch your video, or do you need to then promote that as well???
You are required by the Law (not sure which one!) to update your personal info if it changes. I did this to my sites about a month ago and they still show my old info.
Some advice though... Don't spend forever writing the most ultra amazing article to ever have been written - because nobody will ever read it (probably).
Unless you write articles for a popular newspaper, or science publication, nobody will ever read it. So write something good but don't put...
Hi sevamaster,
I liked the concept, until I tried testing my site for 'trust' and scored 0 (zero!)
So in basic terms, this directory lists only websites which have Level 3 Trust or higher, and 'trust' is your version of PR? What happens if a site has got 'trust' and gains a place in the...
Hi couponsitescript, I think the idea is that giving things away for free gives your site value by getting customers and returning customers. So you pay for this. And you use these freebies to try and sell other stuff, simple :)