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Ok, let me ask you guys this...
I've recently seen a netbook, would it be a better idea to keep my desktop and buy a netbook for college?
Those Asus Eee Netbooks are kinda sweet looking...
Yea I know macs are an excellent machine, I might actually venture down that avenue but would like to avoid it for now. Gaming is the main reason for that... looks to good to be true... Anyone ever heard anything about that site?
Hey guys,
A while back I posted about this but now the deadline is upon me and I've learned a few more things...
I'm going to college soon, and looking at some of these laptops kind of amuses me when I go to best buy. These sleek shiny and completely useless consumer laptops are not something...
So users can delete their own posts, just a lil coincidence that they both did it at the same time or close to it.
Even so, mods wouldn't have done it due to the fact that no rules were broken.
I can do this easily for you, shouldn't be too difficult because I had something like this when I was running a clan. I can also do some cool stuff to integrate your server into your website.
I sent you a PM -- NVM I added you
I have both 64bit and 32bit, whichever version you need installed.
Harddrive RPM is 7200 with 8mb cache
EDIT:// I also found a version of XP for those who don't like vista.
Selling a gaming computer, custom built - Being sold so I can buy a laptop for college.
Vista Rating 5.5
Price: $1000
It will come with a Widescreen Samsung 941bw - Keyboard and Mouse
It has a slight heating issue due to the processor, runs perfectly without the case panel on though.
Ok before you do ask yourself
Do you game? If you play games on windows then forget it. Dual booting is inconvenient and no point. Otherwise, I would definitely go with linux.
Ubuntu all the way.
Hey guys, some of you might remember me as the owner of swift.
I used to be hosted by but the admin there [mark] had issues with the fact that I had issues with him banning people for no reason.
I was wondering if anyone would host me, all I want to do is run a personal blog...
Hey Guys, Selling Ad space on my server for Team Fortress 2.
1 Space on MOTD: $5/ month
Unlimited amount of ad space for in-game advertisements!
Just select the map you want it on or the location (Or I can select it for you)
1 Spot on map: $2.00/ Month
An excellent way to advertise your...