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dont want much do you, 50gb of bandwidth and 20gb of space. All for free with no offers of doing something for someone. Guess it never hurts to ask..
Blog Hosting
750MB Space
Fantastico One Click Install.
MySql Databases
Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
Much Much More
$.89 a month
Forums Hosting
500MB Space
Fantastico One Click Install.
MySql Databases
Unlimited E-Mail Accounts
Much Much More
$0.79 USD Monthly
Web Hosting
Whmsonic needs to be on a VPS or Dedi only. If you run it on a shared server you will either crash the server with the streams or get banned. Shoutcast is a very high server demand, especially with alot of listeners. I have 4 vps servers running shoutcast and you must also space your...
Your welcome I get them every now and then. If you order one a few months down you will get the same email. Must be a glitch, it states only 1 per person.
Jan-- I have had 3 run ins with moderators over posts. Learned my lesson. :angel:
Referral links are No No's.
Here is the link if anyone wants to use it.Get a free domain name. You will need a credit card or paypal to get the domain name. They do not charge it (Got One Today).
Just remember to avoid a 35.00 charge come next year transfer it out.
We can offer you the following at
5GB Of Space
25GB Of Bandwidth
Cpanel 11
Unlimited Mysql's
Unlimited Email
Unlimited Subdomains
NO File Restrictions
CGI-BIN Access
We are running a current special for $20.08 for the year and it comes with a free...
Happy New Year--$20.08 per year with FREE Domain Name
Hosting4unow is running our 2nd annual New Years Special. We are offering the following cPanel 11 package;
5GB Of Space
25GB Of Bandwidth
Cpanel 11
Unlimited Mysql's
Unlimited Email
Unlimited Subdomains
NO File Restrictions
Hard to find
Hard to find a free teamspeak server. Hosters of teamspeak have to pay for the slots you use so they are not going to likely give you a teamspeak server with nothing in return. We pay 14 cents a slot for you to connect.
shoutcast is a bandwidth eater for a free host. is there something u can offer or small fee for services? I host servers but not free shoutcast and there are small plans out there for 25 people at 24kbps but that is not good quality. I can customize a plan for u...
We can host you
we can offer you
5GB of transfer
unlimited mysql's
unlimited emails'
10 domains hosted
cpanel 11
This is offered by Hosting4unow and our site
20 months and going strong...
A hosting package for you
Hosting4unow is owned and operated by clan members of America's Army. We have 2 divisions. Hosting4unow handles the personal and business websites and clanwebspace handles the online gamers. Hosting4unow has been established since 2005 and going strong.
We would like...
We Opened a new server
We have opened a new server and we are accepting free requests again.
Hosting4unow is offering the following space free.
Up to 1500mb of space
20GB of Transfer
cPanel 11 with Fantastico Deluxe
RVSitebuilder included
Mysql Databases
E-mail accounts
Thanks to everyone, I have made my decision and I have PM'd who I am going with. I did not choose just the first person that has contacted me I wanted to weigh my options and decisions. I have looked at all of the designs and prices. Anyone who is buying something would do the same thing.
Thanks but,
Do not need Whmcs integrated. Im selling shoutcast and im not going to automate the order. I am looking for a front page, contact us and price list page based off selling shoutcast servers.