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So what free hosting services have people used in the past that are now dead(or not free anymore)? For me its been:
crosswinds(no longer free)
There are others but I can remember those. I've been on paid hosting now for like 8-9 years so its a distant...
VPS are generally too expensive to offer for free. You can find some free offers online but most of the aren't very good. I have yet to see a good stable free VPS service.
Ok, an easier problem. This URL: has just nulled and rebranded my forum, I think they are going through Saavis datacenter, can anyone confirm, whats Saavis's contact?
So the host is in Russia?
About the script, I don't really care all that much if he nulls it, the people I make money off of won't use nulled scripts anyways.
So does anyone know where is hosted. Its an illegal site that specializes in nulling copyright scripts. I was notified that the owner may be trying to null on of my scripts so I have an interested in getting it taken down.