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Lol if i were him i would stop posting that because everyone on thinks he is stupid because its free and the speeds are fast :P :angel: I knew about speeds before i bought it and if speeds slow down i will switch to a new host that is fast i dont like slow speeds
Hi! Can anyone over here provide me with a free shoutcast server?
I need a server with atleast 20 + listeners and a bitrate of 64 or higher
I know of Free Cast i just personnaly dont like it because there all booked in my time and i go to bed WAYYYYY before the first available one is on :o so...
Hi! I need your MSN i might be able to get my buddy ACE to work out a deal with u add him his MSN is so if anyone else wants a server (btw warez linking is allowed) but if u want a dedi add him on MSN he might be able to help u :)
We know what it is like, not being able to get hosting, because you don't have money to spare it. Believe me, I have been there. We have started up this hosting so that we may save you from such an experience. :)While we may be small, we are good people and with your help, we could become one of...
Plan 1
10 GB Space
75 GB B/W
999 cPanel Accounts MAX
Overselling Enabled
Latest cPanel
want it? contact me on MSN: it is a 99.7 uptime host you get unlimited everything except Addon domains(999) and parked domains(999) and space and B/W
Server Specs...
Fill out the information.
Name of channel: -[DE]- Clan Server
Description of channel: -[DE]- Clan server
Name of sub-channel(S): Admin,Member
Description of sub-channel(S):Admin Tunnel.Member Tunnel
Any other custom channels:
Punishment Chamber
Playing some CS: S
Talking 2 some friends
Here at host-right, we can offer you:
50 Gigs of space
200,000 Gigs of bandwidth
99.9% Uptime
∞ Email
∞ Subdomains
∞ Addon Domains
∞ FTP accounts
∞ MySQL databases
∞ Mailing Lists
cPanel 11
RV Site Builder
RV Skin changer
For as low as $6.95 a month :)
contact me on msn! if u...
Here at host-right, we can offer you:
1 Gigs of space
5 Gigs of bandwidth
99.9% Uptime
∞ Email
∞ Subdomains
∞ Addon Domains
∞ FTP accounts
∞ MySQL databases
∞ Mailing Lists
cPanel 11
RV Site Builder
RV Skin changer
For as low as *FREE* per month
The promo code is : more4less...
Here at host-right, we can offer you:
50 Gigs of space
200,000 Gigs of bandwidth
99.9% Uptime
∞ Email
∞ Subdomains
∞ Addon Domains
∞ FTP accounts
∞ MySQL databases
∞ Mailing Lists
cPanel 11
RV Site Builder
RV Skin changer
For as low as 2$ a month :)
The promo code is : more4less...
Before you request, remember you need the following HP points to get hosted!
(All currency is in HP points.) You get about .006 HP point per character. That seem very low, but a two liner post gets you about 2 HP points, and you only need 10 HP points for the...