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I bought about a week ago, and I'm trying to sell it. I'm looking for a place to host just a pretty placeholder page (you might be able to see it by visiting the site). The page is pure HTML, CSS, and JS.
My requirements:
Fast server. Fast! Preferably in the U.S.
1MB space...
Yep. You also have to look at the specs, quality, reliability, and value of the hosts. For cloud hosting in the US, I'd recommend DigitalOcean or Ubiquity Servers :)
Sorry, it can't be used with mobile right now, since it involves dragging and dropping (and I don't think you'd want to upload something on your phone anyway). Maybe try it out on a desktop/laptop later? :)
It's time for free web hosting to evolve. We're all tired of sorting through host after host, trying to find the one we can trust to actually host our website. Each host advertises features, but most bloat their servers with these features, slowing them down. In the years of my search for the...
Oh, that's probably why I didn't get a reply... I thought you were ignoring me :P
Launching now, everyone. I'll update this post when I finish composing the thread :)
Update: the launch
Cool. I'll release it probably in a couple of hours as I put together last-minute changes and make sure everything works. Since we're launching that soon and you're not online, I won't be sending you a PM (actually, I think I sent you one earlier this week regarding the service). :)
I agree with WSWD. At first, there were a lot of what you would call "great" free hosting services. But then they got abused and so their services ended. Now what's left is only hosting providers wary of the consequences of offering free hosting that's "too good". The demands for free hosting...
First off: you'd better hurry, because stock is selling out.
Virtualvm is giving out Free VPS's (not a trial) at
Here are the specs:
Mem: 64/128MB (guaranteed/burstable)
Monthly Bandwidth: 100GB
Disk: 2GB
CPU Speed: ~100Mhz
Network Speed: 10Mbps (per VPS)
That would be awesome! How about "proving the speed"? (eg. Do you have LiteSpeed instead of Apache, or SSD's, etc.). Or you could just give me some benchmarks.
If you can't do any of that, it's okay too, just PM me the info and I'll go see for myself :)
I personally use Cloudflare for some of my sites. You shouldn't be using 2 CDN's on the same site since that can mess up the site and can even slow it down (you're basically sending the request through 2 or 3 servers).