Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
We support all your requirements and will be glad to help you with some technical aspects if required, visit us if you are interested:
We can provide that for free with two options for you to choose from: 1) Post on our forums (3 initial posts and 5 monthly posts thereafter) or 2) Put a small banner on your website to link to us. Let us know through our forums if you are interested. We provide free complementary technical...
It would affect their revenue a little, but not so much that they have to close down. Depending on where their advertisements are placed (on the forums if it is a Post2Host service, or on the users' website), there would probably be still a large number of users that doesn't use AdBlock...
Hi ivan,
We recently launched ixSpace as a sister site of another hosting company - so we have relatively good financial backing. Because we are currently in need of customers, I don't mind exempting you from the post2host problem since you mentioned you are going to be busy in university...
Starting 2010, we have been a provider of free web-hosting services.
Our aim is to provide free web-hosting that surpasses what you will get with a paid web-hosting provider. Unlike other free web-hosting providers, we do not place an unreasonable amount of users on our...