Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
Hey everyone. I host my own blog/website on my own domain and have done for about a year now. I have requested free hosting in the past now 3 times and each time something happens to the host.
The host I am with now has issues and is very, very slow and I would like to re-request some web...
No, I know the exact reason why myself and around 100 others lost their sites. It was due to an issue with the datacenter. So if you can offer me what i would like please do so, if not, don't start arguing putting all these thoughts in other peoples heads so that I am surely not going to get...
For a few months I have been using a host for my blog and xbox live gamercard generator but it has just started to show "account suspended" on every webpage (not just mine) it hosted.
I would be greatful if someone stable could hook me up with some personal hosting. I used this for my personal...
I would like some "hosting" for my spare domain I want to use for my email.
2 Email Accounts
Unlimited Forwarders
Cpanel 9+
Bandwidth: 1GB
Space: 200MB+
Homepage can have any size ad on it if you wish.
The domain will be used for myself for personal usage no mass emailing.
Thanks :)
I want to start my own website/community. Me and a friend of mine think it will be a good idea to get an extra hobby and thought this would be a good idea.
The site will be on Graphics design in photoshop or gaming - we are undecided. If you are interested in helping, please continue...