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/Peo, is offering what many say is the best free web hosting service
when it comes to speed, reliability and support.
We offer support in the following languages: English, Spanish, French, Chinese and German.
Check out our active multi-language support forums here.
Main features... is offering what many say is the best free web hosting service when it comes to speed, reliability and support.
Main features include...
5gb disk space
20gb bandwidth
10 MySQL databases
File Manager & FTP account
awStats - Statistics
php support
* and much...
I am looking for a new "paid" host to promote. In the past I've promoted HostGator (it sucks) and some others through CJ. I've made many sales for them and they converted well, only problem is that when it comes to payout day, especially HostGator tends to cancel the payout. They have done this...
I'm assuming the url I referred to is banned because it's a competing site.
If I can not reference where to get the accurate info, you have a few options.
1. Search and you shall find the info
2. Take my word for it
3. Visit the site, read the posts in the support forums and decide for yourself.
Aha, thank you.
Check the bench mark results at the free+webhosts site and reviews for
Tried to post direct link here, but apparently linking to that site is not allowed.
I think that should be enough to back up my words :-)
Hi, is offering what many say is the best free web hosting service when it comes to speed, reliability and support.
Main features include
* No banner ads
* 5gb disk space
* 20gb bandwidth
* 10 MySQL databases
* File Manager & FTP account...