Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers!
I could offer you our:
Shared Plan
MySQL Databases:5
Parked Domains:1
For - £2.99/monthly
Shared+ Plan
MySQL Databases:5
Parked Domains:2
For - £4.99/monthly
We are thinking about repricing or...
It's actually all messages going off screen due to this missing image, the missing image URL is:
No it's an 19" LCD monitor.
Ok here it is - ColorHost: Long story --> Short
Upstream provider - fakes illnesses(heart attacks and comas), and conveniently 'forgets' to pay for all his servers except for his main one with his site
ColorHost - Then suffers as a consequence.
Lesson here, learn more about your upstream...
I too preferred the old design, are there any plans to incorporate the old design into the upgraded forums?
Also there are images missing and a lot of things out of place going off screen for me (1024x768)
I don't completely agree with you that hosting should (always) be free as a lot of people go to the trouble of paying server costs, buying software for the said servers. However I agree that it does spread experience in setting up websites ect.
I'd like to help you, I can offer:
2GB Space
I know but we can sort out free for some people to help them out. You can contact us on Live Support on there or on here, we are still just sorting out our contact form after a scripting error.
I would recommend a shoutcast stream for that, it is basically an online radio. Although starting an online streaming service has a lot of competition from GrooveShark and Dizzler ect
True, it is easy to assume it's legal. However it won't be on our servers so won't be as bad. We don't allow any illegal content on our servers and we do actively monitor them!
We have our servers based in the Netherlands and can offer you
3GB space
12 GB bandwidth
We will also install the blogging script of your choice for you.
If you need any more info contact our live support at
I hope we can help :)
We may be able to help you as we have offshore servers, I could offer you our Shared+ plan:
2GB disk space
5GB bandwidth
5 Databases, Sub Domains and FTP Accounts
2 Parked Domains
Unlimited features
For £4.99 monthly
Or we can sort out a custom plan on our live support over at...
Thanks, AdBrite is check only, I'll check the one you just said tomorrow. I've used Bidvertiser but their ads are unrelated and not always a good payout.