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Yes it could be possible that your boot disk is incomplete or missing files try making new boot disk. Or it happens when boot disk you are using is looking files in your root. I have seen this happening when someone uses bootable installation cd.
Simple system boot disk (Floppy) can be made on...
Okey. So you have deleted all your root files while in windows. Where have you backed up your files i guess from the error that you have backedup all files outside your hard disk as it dont have any more partition except c: , still if outside your harddisk then go for fdisk if not you can format...
I agree. Resolution Center will be the best possible way to fight. This is the same story that happed to one of my friend when he ruined his funds on for cheap dedicated server. But thanks to Paypal resolution center for solving the issue. You too go for that and file a Compliant...
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