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I would like to offer you the following from SmoothVPS. We've been running since March 08 and have been steadily growing since.
OpenVZ: Linux Virtual Private Server 256: 1 IP
* 256MB Guaranteed Ram
* 512MB Guaranteed Ram
* 25GB Disk Space
* 250GB Premium Bandwidth PEER1...
Definitely shouldn't raise the prices for existing customers :-) I'm sure that would really tick off many of your customers.
(I'm not a customer, but If I was),
"What? After all the problems we just had a few weeks ago, now your raising the prices on top of that?"
Or, at least wait a...
Exactly, which is why you wont see even half of the people that are posting offers here within a few months.
He is totally right about the google ads, very good recommendation.
Some of the top providers you should choose from on this forum would be SteadCom and GeekLayer (Hastings). Both...
More a recommendation,
XLHost - I've used them and love them, ordered a server on friday night once at about 6 pm, and the owner of the datacenter had set the server up and emailed me the information at around 8pm that night (same times for them as me too, their in Ohio)
Quad Core Xeon...
Not exactly, they keep that a secret from the public for high security reasons.
I know they do have their own facility, and its somewhere in the Port Jefferson area. The info on their domain is their mailing address, not the dc itself :).
They actually just added Mzima to their bandwidth...
Located on Long Island.....More than helpful when I was asking them a few pre-sales questions.
Taken from their site,
- 1/4 rack (19" open relay rack)
- 600 watts AC power (UPS/generator)
- 16 IP addresses (upgradeable)
- 5 Mbps port (unmetered)
Any reason that you need it to be prorated to the first of september?
Still no word on the server you'd purchased? That really doesn't sound like RazorServers.
Definitely get in touch with Rus @ - he has a few racks there and provides dedicated configurations
@ Hosting Advisor: "10TB Bandwidth" And you gave 10Mb unmetered..Thats not even half of what the OP Requested.
Take a look @ - you can get one 50% off lifetime special, for 12.50 and its pretty fast service too, decent provider.
Forgot to add -I don't think PayPal is on their site however if you email them they accept PayPal.
Milofi, $0.39/Month - I assume theres a hidden setup fee not mentioned here? Paypal will take 2.9% and 30 cents away from that, leaving you with a few pennies.