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I am Rabbi Hossain. I am currently running a small Post 2 Host website named HostFreeK.Com.
I am currently busy in some of my personal works. So, I am unable to run it now. For this reason, I am thinking of selling it. If anyone of you are interested, you can PM Me. We will discuss in...
Who Is HostFreeK
HostFreeK is a P2H based web hosting provider.It also provides very cheap Hosting Hosting services with all premium features. Which aims to give all users an opportunity get good quality shared & reseller hosting with dedicated support & uptime. We always aim to give our...
Who Is HostFreeK
HostFreeK is a P2H based web hosting provider. Which aims to give all users an opportunity get good quality shared & reseller hosting with dedicated support, uptime. We always aim to give our users a paid quality hosting for FREE.
We are now offering premium quality...
Who Is HostFreeK
HostFreeK is a P2H based web hosting provider.It also provides very cheap Hosting Hosting services with all premium features. Which aims to give all users an opportunity get good quality shared & reseller hosting with dedicated support & uptime. We always aim to give our...
Who Is HostFreeK
HostFreeK is a P2H based web hosting provider. Which aims to give all users an opportunity get good quality shared & reseller hosting with dedicated support, uptime. We always aim to give our users a paid quality hosting for FREE.
We are now offering premium quality...
Who Is HostFreeK
HostFreeK is a P2H based web hosting provider.It also provides very cheap Hosting Hosting services with all premium features. Which aims to give all users an opportunity get good quality shared & reseller hosting with dedicated support & uptime. We always aim to give our...
Who Is HostFreeK
HostFreeK is a P2H based web hosting provider. Which aims to give all users an opportunity get good quality shared & reseller hosting with dedicated support, uptime. We always aim to give our users a paid quality hosting for FREE.
We are now offering premium quality...
Hi All,
How are you. Thank you very much for being our forum member.
We are now going to announce a giveaway contest.
Here is the 2 domains, that we are going to giveaway.
Giveaway Contest Rules.
1| You have to post 1 thread about any...
Who Is HostFreeK
HostFreeK is a P2H based web hosting provider.It also provides very cheap Hosting Hosting services with all premium features. Which aims to give all users an opportunity get good quality shared & reseller hosting with dedicated support & uptime. We always aim to give our users...
Who Is HostFreeK
HostFreeK is a P2H based web hosting provider. Which aims to give all users an opportunity get good quality shared & reseller hosting with dedicated support, uptime. We always aim to give our users a paid quality hosting for FREE.
We are now offering premium quality...
Hi, i can provide you hosting with all your needs. But it is not CPanel. It is Direct Admin control panel & it is very easy to use. If you are interested then pm me at
Hi there, I can offer you hosting. Please PM me your detail spec about how much space & bandwidth you need. If you are interested we can discuss about this in PM.
my email is -> admin[@]hostfreek[.]com
Sander k, i have used zpanel before. It looks very much impressive as a free panel but it uses much memory than other panels. You can create use zantastico as script installer. But zantastico have some bugs. You can fix the bug by searching their forum.
If you are going to run a Free host, then first start from a Free reseller. And when you get your clients then go for a VPS.
I can now offer you Direct Admin reseller hosting with 10GB Space and some premium features like Softaculous. If you are interested, Then feel free to contact me using PM.