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im looking for a new service where i can setup weekly and monthly polls on my site, anyone know the best one to go with? im currently using alxnet which ived used for years now but im about fed up with them, their service is terrible, very slow, sometimes the polls dont work and there is always...
basically looking for a new template for my site which im want to site is a metallica fansite, been running it since 2000 and its been thrua few designs over the years but nothing has truly stood out or is at you can see, theres flaws with...
yes they registered the domain for me and no it wasnt free, i paid for the domain name. But i went to a new host because of problems they had with their servers, which ultimately crashed and all data was lost and the previous owner apparently ran off and has never been heard from since. So we...
i recommend not going with them. I was with them and they were good but they have a new owner now and i have since transferred to a new host but they refuse to trasnfer my domain over. In fact they have purposely changed the domain back to their own site and have locked it. So I have no site...
the owner wont transfer my domain to my new host. he refuses and is being really unproffessional about it. ive had nothing but trouble from them the last couple of months, lots od downtime and everything. not worth it
cant transfer because the other guy has the access details, thats the problem i have....anyway, were working a way around right now so hopefully that will work
my websites domain name is registered at but it is under my webhosts name. now i have found a new webhost because of a lot of problems happening with the my old webhost, which unfortunately has now shut down and a new owner has taken over and is trying to rebuild it. The problem is...
well their deals seemed pretty good and 12 hour response time is better than any place ive seen, most places take a day or 2, sometimes more. Id like to actually see some websites that are hosted through them though and how long they have been with them.
I am looking around, just checking to...
well the site is back up and ive been with this place for about a year now, maybe more and aside from the occasional downtime here and there (this was by far the worst by the way) ive never had a problem with them and for the size of the site i run, im getting a really great deal, so it aint no...
My site is hosted through however my site has been down for about 4 or 5 days now, their site is down and they wont reply to my emails. Is anyone else hosted with them and maybe explain what is happening?
ah yes i must have got spammed as was wierd so i was supicious which was why i asked about it
just another site here, any info on this one?
are there any other places like that where the domain name isnt actually registered to you but just forwarded to your site? I dont mind paying for a domain name however i am a little concerend about the whois feature where your personal details like your home address and phone number is made...
currently im hosted on freeservers, which has been pretty good to me so far..but im thinking of changing to this place called was wondering if anyone knows anything about this place, more specifically, if they are reliable, legit and good enough to host is
hey that datacities offers 30gig bandwidth for 6.95 a month? is that for like webhosting etc or is this something entirely different? im looking for a place to host my files, and i need 30gigs far the best deal i can get is $15 a month but damn 6.95 sounds good, if what they do is...