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I need someone that wants to set up forums with me, gain popularity and so on.
I will set up the forums, you may help me gain visitors and you will gain an staff position.
The forum will go about investments, you must have experience with investments, before you participate.
Hello guys,
We got a little project on school that we need a site for, it will be in dutch and probably also in english.
You might wonder what the project is, it's just an fictitious company, which we need to run and stuff.
What I need
Support for joomla, so mysql and so on.
I would love...
So hello guys,
I wanted to start a forum for my WoW guild.
The guild is named Shadows of Bladefist and i would like some hosting for it.
We'll need some space for uploading images, nothing illegal only chars and builds and so on and for the forum itself.
We'll need a little bit more...
I'm in need for a good reliable host.
Instant activation, some descent disk space
2-3 Gb Bandwith.
This is for a game forum the forums language is dutch.
Please help me get some proper hosting
I need a designer to design a custom phpbb skin.
What you will get:
You'll be mod.
you will get 1/2 of the ad money.
If you are interested in this offer you can reply to this thread or PM me
nvm i already made a post in ads&offers for companies to sign up and members to make money thanks for the help anyway ;)
This is a really nice community.
Hamster and Dynash thanks for your help
If you go to Free webhosting on this forum you get the normal vb skin
I think it has to be the FWS skin doesn't it?
sorry wrong forum move it to feedback please
Take it easy jan.
I'm just trying to give the companies more visitors with it
OT: I'm sorry if i placed it in the wrong section and if it wasn't and you think that the comapnies think like that...
Give them a chance.
But that's how i think about because i needed information so i wanted that...
I need good hosting for a script like bux.
Just bought it so no illegal content.
I need this.
400-500mb space
1-2gigs bw
accepts .ttf files
1-2 mysql db's
and i don't want to post i can pu a ad on my page if you want.