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With the overwhelem response for the recently launched semi-dedicated package and on the request of a number of sales enquiries that we have received, ThinkSupport has decided to extend the limited introductory discount offer for the following semi-dedicated packages :
I) 24/7...
Looking at the growing shared and semi-dedicated techs demand, ThinkSupport has now introduced the following semi-dedicated packages :
I) 24/7 Semi-Dedicated - Grp 1 & II) 24/7 Semi-Dedicated - Grp 2.
Semi-Dedicated techs : Semi-Dedicated techs are the techs who work for 2...
Seems you got to do lot of work on your site ..presently its really very very odd to see such long red block in firefox, first make it more attractive.
Firstly you need to check if the domain is unlock and secondly you are the registered contact person to approve the transfer request that you will recieve from domainsite... unless and untill this two thing are done the process will never speed up but still the shortest time frame is one week
I will also go with the 2 one as on technical terms "64 bit" server sucks on security and upgrade issue ..My experences say nearly 99% of 64bit server give lot of technical problem.