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Hello, i am looking for web hosting for my website :, i would prefer to have cpanel and around over 1gb space and 10gb bandwidth. I'd rather not give my phone number and address (i simply don't trust people, not because anything illegal would be going on).
I'm looking to...
Oh seriously guys, i thought my previous posts hinted that i didn't want yo uto post in my thread anymore?
Don't you people have better things to do then going into other peoples threads and starting an argument about what's fair and what isn't, again, if you don't like it, go away. Ive made...
Perhaps instead of whining you could upgrade your hosting packages?
I told you before, i go with a free host then move on to a paid host. Read more carefully.
Guys, this is how i start all of my websites, i started with a free host then when i earn revenue i go to a paid host but the free host ad remains. Atleast some people are risking it for other people.
I seem to be impatient because i have work tommorow and want to get home and put the site up...
Hey guys, im starting a new project and i need a host. I am creating a website similar to and, and i need some heavy duty hosting.
35gb space
120gb bandwidth
unlimited mySQL databases
unlimited subdomains
allow users domain name...