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Search results

  1. P

    host with Ads Im tired of posting.

    please come to http://www.flyhosts.net we have what you need thanks
  2. P

    Is this the FUNNIEST comedian ALLIVE TODAY?

    nah man gotta be the black dude lenny henry :) he comes from the same town as me too :) (dudley, west midlands, england lol)
  3. P

    OMG OMG!!!!! I saw Lucas Rossi in person!!!!

    hahaha dude get a life, i met my mom today if thats any good :) ooh and this one time i actually met my sister and her bf lol
  4. P

    Emergency Need This Kind Of Server

    you cant in anywhere in america but canada and sweden allow it... webserve.ca allows it too (canada)
  5. P

    Need Free Hosting For Torrent Flux

    Hi, I need some free hosting for torrent flux for a friend as i cannot run it on my own servers, decent bandwidth due to the uploads & downloads approx 5gb space 5 mysql, ftp etc ads welcome thanks
  6. P

    high needs

    hmm didnt realise it was a warez site :( sorry pal cant help ya, goto http://www.hostall.biz they will host you
  7. P

    Can you top this?

    i could top the features/bandwidth etc easy but i have a question, why would anyone want safemode on?
  8. P

    high needs

    Hi, here is your reply, you dont need to go any further, I can offer you the folloing 150GB bandwidth 5GB space unmetered features in cpanel fantastico cpanel 10.9 just a banner ad to my site pls pm me if you are interested thanks
  9. P

    Need a free host (from 2-20 MG), with holtlinking and SUPER fast

    hi, I can set you a custom plan with whatever space you need, also the servers run on 1gb ram with dual amd athlon x64 processors, goto http://www.brightweb.us and see the speed of my forums :)
  10. P

    Need a free host (from 2-20 MG), with holtlinking and SUPER fast

    Hi, I can host you no problem 5GB bandwidth 100mb space 10 x all cpanel features no ads (a linkback on your forum or something would be nice though but you dont have to) no need to keep logging in, pls pm me for more details thanks
  11. P

    cheap hosting needed

    Hi, Fly Hosts can offer you 500MB space and 20GB bandwidth for £10 per year with 50 of each cpanel features, please visit http://www.flyhosts.net Thanks
  12. P

    Imagemain - For Sale

    would you do an exchange for hosting?
  13. P

    Liberty-Hosting down?

    good luck on getting back up and running, i say you Ddos him to teach him :(
  14. P


    yes i got my .net from yesterday too, let me guess, you used a coupon called NETSPECIAL lol... me too, i went to register another domain today and the coupon was expired :( anyway my domain didnt go thru the first time but my money was still there, so i registered again and it worked...
  15. P

    Need a paid host that accepts e-gold.

    ok i can do it at $2 lowest :)
  16. P

    Need a paid host that accepts e-gold.

    hi, I could probably help you out if i can create an egold account, Disk Space: 1gb BandWidth: 15gb Email:500 Add On Domain:500 Parked Domains:500 FTP Accounts:500 Cpanel: Yes Offshore: If possible Allow's ads:YES $5/mo EDIT: I have successfully created an e-gold account so...
  17. P

    DirectAdmin Host

    hi, I can offer you the following 30GB space 500GB bandwidth unmetered features cpanel fantastico $20/mo payable via card w/paypal thanks
  18. P

    Looking for Proxy Host

    thats false advertising gimmie :( you fooled people into going to your site thinking there is a vps going for $30 :( shame on you!!!
  19. P

    I need Hosting for My Flash Site

    Hi, FlyHosts.com can offer the following 2GB space 25GB bandwidth 15 of all cPanel features 99.9% uptime gaurantee Txt Ad Linking Back To Us Pls pm me thanks
  20. P

    Need british hosting

    Hi, I am also located in the UK but my servers are located in texas, i dont think it really matters where the servers are located it depends on the speed of the connection, I can offer you the following for free 500mb space 1gb bandwidth 100 of each cpanel features Setup within 20 mins max...