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Maybe you can try adsense. But keep yourself safe with invalid clicks because they wont inform you or suspend you right away. they will only tell you that something is wrong with clicks once you reach the payout. Then by that time you will realize that all of your efforts are in vain.
Im currently with Google Adsense but if you are having a hard time in getting accepted then try bidvertiser first. At least you have some back-up if your application fails.
Bidvertiser is a good alternative to adsen nbut if you are approved in Google then use them. They sure will be giving more targeted ads for your site rather than bidvertiser ads.
Im quite okay with transacting with foreigners. But it is not hosting related though. Its all about guiding them in their business. Freelancing and stuff. Its all constant communication.
One idea for that is maybe to start a blogger blog and complete everything. Design, content etc.. I got mine approved within 2 days because of that system.
Actually I have a soft side for people. I am always ready to give something to those who asks for my help. Its my nature, and even my mom is confuse on how generous I am. By the way besides of people, i am also fond of bringing stray cats and dogs to our home. (newbie here)