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I need free hosting...minimum 2gb space.I will be using it for remote url upload from other server.Only for temporary purpose.I will delete the files when i have downloaded.
I will not be using rl script.You can trust me.If you dont like my usage you can delete my account.
I am looking if any one can provide me free rapidleech hosting for personal use only...I will not use it for public.....i was having free space though c0mhost but now at the moment it is down :( ....So please if anyone can provide me please tell....
Hey your design it similar to site located at this thread
The site
i just checked that one is on HOCTNOC and other is on SERVINT....
But such a coincidence that your domain and other...
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My History
Windows 95
Windows 98
Windows XP SP2 & SP3 (Professional/Corporate)
Windows Vista (Home Premium/Ultimate)
Windows 7 (Ultimate)
Out of them all i loved XP most.....It is the best and will be the best i hope
Ha ha yes you are right with your words Vista Panel looks like someone ran over cPanel with a lawn mower...
And there support is very very bad.....i created one ticket regarding my site's issue and they didnt responded..I chatted with their support but poor it has passed 2...
Hey Please Check Before You Post
Read Carefully You wrote
250 MB's of Disk Space
25 GB's of Disk Space
Both are disk Space :biggrin2: than where is the bandwidth :confused4
Please correct it