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heh, dk3 with his phpBB2 gives me this otion.. but ads ...
and at others i didn't find it - but if someone knows how to change language on or ?! Is it possible or not ??
And, i i have good working host with php/MySQL, I will run my own phpBB2 with...
ezBoard ?? Cool when you pays for it, otherwise not !!Too many ads - serious, i have some forums there...
I will check <- both are ad-free ??
To X & nataku:
I see this host, & even make an account. but they don't support some php functions, so phpAdsNew isn't even installing...
That's why I still search another php/MySQL host....
BTW. X, I am already wearing glasses, don't need new one....
No, it isn't possible to add templates & smiles or something else...
Enough must be a lot of language packs installed.
That's why I am still searching for a server with php/MySQL...
Heh, another problem.. as not offering a webspace, I am searching an space to run phpAdsNew. Any1 knows where to put it ?!
If not, i will use java banner system.... but php will be better...
Hey war, I used their board service. they offerd fully configured phpBB2 board... So I think it will stay long :)
But thanks for interesting in. Not many so friendly users in internet left... Cool board !!
Hi !!
I need to find a host that will offers php & MySQL... And that will be free... If anyone knows any good & free host, e-mail me at