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Hey I am looking to buy about 3-4 VPS in US with different locations in US. Below are the minimum specs I need for each:
Atleast 5GB Space
Atleast 384MB Dedicated RAM (higher is preferable)
Unmetered Bandwidth (on 100mbps connections shared or dedicated) NOT OVERSOLD
Budget is $15-$20 USD...
Hey, I am looking for a reliable managed VPS with the following:
At least 5GB diskspace
At least 500GB bandwidth per month
At least 1.5Ghz CPU (Guaranteed)
At least 1GB RAM (Guaranteed)
Linux or Windows
Also warez linking is a must. There will be no warez hosted on your servers only...
Monthly limit is $10 USD
There will be no bots or irc running on the server, I just have a script that extracts information from my other websites and depending on how many new things come on my website at once the process can go 40+ at any given time.
Here is what I require, PM me if you can host my site:
1GB Disk Space
Unlimited Bandwidth
Ruby On Rails
Cron Jobs
FrontPage Extensions
Image Magick
No limit on CPU processes (This is a MUST)
cPanel is Preferred
FTP access/use
PM me
Hey I would like an account my site is
Currently I have 100GB bandwidth but that runs out quick. Please check out my site and let me know!
Hey I need a cPanel hosting with CURL and fsockopen here are the specs I need:
1GB Space
100GB bandwidth at least
cPanel (with normal features)
PM me or Post here!
Hey i need a reliable 18slot COunter Strike source server either 66 or 100 tickrate... i am currently paying $22per month with tax included.. if anyone can offer better would be great
x10 servers have many downtimes.. i have seen the stoli server loose its MySQL like for days and the Apache also dies i wouldnt sign up until they fix it all!
I currently have 3 domain that I am wanting to sell please let me know what you think i will get for each:
And if you know a place where I can sell them and will get paid via PayPal
Business Packet
You need 65 Posts
Monthly Posts 10
You will get 600 WebSpace-- 600 wat? MB, GB , TB(lol)
Error pages
and how can we trust you u will stay for long u dont even have a .com domain.. u got a free domain