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I think people should lay off little trenz. If he get's something and he's happy about it then I think he's got every right to tell people about it. If your annoyed with it, then don't read them -- maybe he'll stop if he notices no one wants to hear his babble :p
It'd be neat to have a GMail...
Check out The Admin Zone, lots of great tips there on how to manage a community and how to choose and manage your staff.
When I choose mods, I look at their activity on the site, their attitude towards other members, how long I've known them and their knowlege in the field. I would never...
I liked the second Matrix, but the third was just nuts. Seemed like they wanted to explain the unexplainable so they just made stuff up :D (Did anyone notice that Morpheus used to be all cool in 1 and 2, but in the third one he was all different :p)
Yep. I was ginna take a screenshot of it, but I was a dumbass and voted before lol
Anyway, I think you should upload the old post icons. They're smaller and look better IMO.
There are a couple things that contribute to how much rep points you get from fellow members, instead of explaining them just have a look at the vB3 admin screen ;)
Its on a per-poll basis. The creator gets to choose if its a public or private poll, and vB displays a warning if its public. Might be an ACP option to disable public polls altogether though..
The Last 10 threads on the homepage is broken, needs an update.
Fatal error: Failed opening required 'forums/admin/config.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/freewebspace/www/last10.php on line 13
Its the green pips next to the Posts: XXX part. The more people "approve" of your posts, the more rep you have and the more "power" you have when giving rep.