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Whoa! This is the first time I've been here in months (just poking around) and it looks like we're resurrecting (no seasonal pun intended) HostingFraud?
Yeah... Shoot me an email with the details. I still have a system in the works that I began to do with Dan a year ago maybe.
At Zephyr Enterprises Webhosting, we understand the importance of every customer. You are our greatest assets, and you can't receive the service you expect without personal support and quality equipment. That's why we DO NOT OVERSELL our services. Our packages are outlined below, but please let...
At Zephyr Enterprises Webhosting, we understand the importance of every customer. You are our greatest assets, and you can't receive the service you expect without personal support and quality equipment. That's why we DO NOT OVERSELL our services. Our packages are outlined below, but please let...
At Zephyr Enterprises Webhosting, we understand the importance of every customer. You are our greatest assets, and you can't receive the service you expect without personal support and quality equipment. That's why we DO NOT OVERSELL our services. Our packages are outlined below, but please let...
If you feel like putting up with Registerfly's crappy service, you can get one there for $10. The prices keep going down. The one I have now was originally $40 but now it's $20.
Zephyr Enterprises Webhosting can offer you the following plan.
500 MB Storage
20 GB Transfer
cPanel w/ Fantastico
20 MySQL Databases
FTP Access
20 Email Addresses
+ 1 .com Domain
We Don't Oversell
$15.95 per 6 months + $7.95 per Year
or $37.90 per Year
Learn More...
Zephyr Enterprises Webhosting can offer you the following plan.
500 MB Storage
20 GB Transfer
20 MySQL Databases
E-Mail Forwarding
FTP Access
CPanel w/ Fantastico
We Don't Oversell
$2.95 USD per Month ($3.46 CAD)
$29.95 USD per Year ($35.15 CAD)
Please contact us if you need to...
Count yourself lucky that there isn't an entry for your type on Ohio University website's flame form or you would have been officially flamed by now...