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No it's not at all, in fact it's about the worst thing you can do actually. When I say vBulletin's code is ugly and not organized well (not even a lie actually :D) do you think it's a good idea to tell everybody it's code is screwed and not organized and that it potentially may have a lot of...
It is not possible to test this just like I just did, got to admit that. vB has a dedicated server with thousands of posts and yours (I assume it's yours) only about 100-200. The two cannot be compared without tests being done on one machine with an equal count of posts (or better equal posts).
1) Power has nothing to do with processing time
2) I took the longest thread availlable at MC, it took between 0.6 secs and 2.1 secs to generate, while vB averages at .3 sec.
Sorry for the late reply (long time no visit ;)), but kB is not in any way a php version of YaBB. Not at all really, it has been written from scratch without taking any code from any other board.
No, it's unsupported software, there are no plans on working on it.
hehe. Don't worry. I just wonder, do you still like the threads about which board is better? Even after the twentieth time? If I'd be a moderator I'd lock them and point them to on of the others. Or even make such a topic sticky. This is getting really annoying IMO
For the 50 million and tenth time Grrr...
YaBB exists longer than iB, actually Matt Mecham was in the YaBB team before he started iB.
And second, no there is no "major bug" in YaBB. All that there have been gone for ages.
And quit those comparisons, nobody needs them, some like YaBB...