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Best FWH in your opinion

Re: For...

Originally posted by Unknownguy
For people just starting to make webpages geocities is the best, because they are easy to use and pretty stable.
(That's where I started)
For webmasters needing features f2s is the best because, even though they are slow sometimes, they have got more features than other hosts and have no ads.

Forgive me for resurrecting threads long dead and buried. I was looking for some good adult host for... uhm, never mind. This quote strikes me as funny - "never mind they are slow, they have got more features..."

For the webmaster, yes, I can understand this. But what about users? Don't users care about speed? I always thought users will only wait if it's pictures of dead people, naked people, or naked dead animals. Hmmm, makes me wonder how many of you are actually making websites with a purpose in mind and not just for the heck of it. By purpose, I don't mean making $$$, but in presenting a site that visitors will return often.
I used to use tripod.co.uk - only one popup ad on the index page, lots of features, ftp, but slow and not so reliable for such an established company.

Great for a first website, though.
When they actually allow signups, 8op.com is the best. 20mb, FTP, SSI, fast servers. Their ads aren't too annoying either.
Once again Mrs. Giggles, you have a point. What do USERS want? Reliability and speed or bells and whistles? I submit the former---No one cares about CGI, PERL, or MYSQL if they can't access the site or if the site is super slow! Again, Geocities and Tripod beat everyone--hands down.
mektek.net is really good. In another topic is has been named the new NBCi! You get unlimited space, and FTP
I like http://www.gizba.com I have been using them for some time now and they have great customer supports. Unlike many other companies out there, they actually answer my emails, usually within a couple of hours. One great part about gizba.com is that they offer 500MB of space. Great for images mp3 and video files. They might not be the best, but the are the best that I have seen and used.
FortuneCity Sucks, they disabled download managers and when you try to link to pictures from your own fortunecity homepage they put a fortunecity 404 ad where you rpicture shoudl be
Originally posted by TJGuitar85
FortuneCity Sucks, they disabled download managers and when you try to link to pictures from your own fortunecity homepage they put a fortunecity 404 ad where you rpicture shoudl be

They disabled them because download managers and hotlinking use tons of bandwidth - and bandwidth costs money.

Anywho, I think Tripod supports full CGI now.
well they should have a 1 mb per file limit if there not gonna support download manager's cuz then its pretty much useless to have big files.
