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managed wordpress hosting

Looking for VPS


New Member
I am looking for a vps for like 20-30 dollars a month. I would like to pay anually so if i can get a deal that way it would be nice

I want like 5 - 10 gigs of space
like 100 gigs bw
At least 256 ram
either cpanel/whm or directadmin (preferably directadmin)

If anyone can offer me a good deal please let me know. I don't want to go over 30 bucks so if it is more then that don't post in this topic.

+++ CompleteVPS Starter
+ Diskspace: 25 GB
+ Bandwidth: 300 GB
+ Guaranteed RAM: 256 MB
+ Burstable RAM: 512 MB
+ Dedicated IP(s): 2
+ Guaranteed CPU: 400 MHz
+ Burstable CPU: 3.9 GHz
+ rDNS Control: Yes
+ HyperVM Control: Yes
Monthly Fee: $24.95
More Information

cPanel - $10.00 per month Extra
Direct Admin - $6.99 per month Extra

To get a deal on an Annual Plan, please submit a Sales Ticket

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Hello, Go with a host you can trust! SteadCom is the solution for you. We are established and reputable in the VPS industry.

QUALITY OF PRICE is important.

Beginner A
» 256 MB Guaranteed RAM
» 512 MB Burstable RAM
»10 GB Disk Space
» 150 GB of Premium Bandwidth
» HyperVM VPS PowerPanel
» 2 IP Addresses
» Choice of Operating System
$19.95 per month
DirectAdmin: $5/month available during checkout.


For a yearly prepayment, email sales [at] steadcom [dot] com to receive a huge discount.
Thanks guys. I emailed both Dan and Eclouds I look forward to hear back from you soon

Also Dan I didn't know you have Yun working for you :p my ticket got handled really fast :p
Thanks guys. I emailed both Dan and Eclouds I look forward to hear back from you soon

Also Dan I didn't know you have Yun working for you :p my ticket got handled really fast :p

Glad you were satisfied with it. If we can assist in any other way, just let us know. :)
After reviewing the packages of what you two sent me eclouds was the cheapest at 250 with DA a year and Dan's was 300 with DA a year. Now i Just have to think of what one would more suite my needs.

Also if anyone else has any more offers please let me know
cPanel is included with that (An additional $10) Direct Admin is an additional $7.00 If you wanted Direct Admin it would be $240/year and if you wanted cPanel it would be $275.00/year


Edit: Sorry that was a typo in the origional post, it's supposed to be $23.00/month
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Oh. I forgot to mention, there is a special going on and we offer doubled disk and bandwidth ;) except for enterprise plans.

Sorry for not mentioning it earlier.
Ok well i will have to see if I get any better deals. I don't plan on ordering untill probably the end of the month if anything.