I have vast expereince with php, I can do pretty much anything that you can imagine, even if other programmers said it wasn't possible still get in touch. Windows applications also available, written soley in php and developed fast, much cheaper than a vb/c++ project because php is much faster to develop.
Rates are set low at $25 an hour, however large jobs will be quoted upfront you will also recieve a summary of the work involved ( nothing technical ) and a realistic time frame for completion of your project.
Please email your thoughts and ideas to joe@interviolet.com
Thanks for listening... :beer:
Rates are set low at $25 an hour, however large jobs will be quoted upfront you will also recieve a summary of the work involved ( nothing technical ) and a realistic time frame for completion of your project.
Please email your thoughts and ideas to joe@interviolet.com
Thanks for listening... :beer: