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Nice site, I like the script you used to detect which country I'm from.

However, some of them which I thought were links were actually not. Maybe its just me.

Loading speed is okay for a 512 connection.

Speed seemed good, the top menu area in grey IMHO could do with being brighter matching in with the orange and white maybe, the header picture again IMHO seems to full, maybe a simplyfied header or take the header out and stick with you logo, menu and content, hope this helps.
Star7 said:
However, some of them which I thought were links were actually not. Maybe its just me.
what links are you referring to?

thanks alot for the comments and suggestions guys. I've change the top menu area links to white, but maybe i'll change them to images later. Header image simplified but i've also made it into flash.. what do you think?

is the flash taking too long to load? should i revert back to a plain image?

thanks again guys :)
Not sure if you`re working on site right now - 16:22 as I`m not getting much appearing, the menu is grey and white where the header section is, I think you`re adding flash there, I`ll keep popping back to check this thread, to see how you`re getting on, I would change the menu so you have orange text, white background and line breakers in black, it should look nice and blend in well with the rest of the site, BBS.
I`m wondering what it would look like if you took out the flash header, closed the gab, it might look better! I`ve attached a snap of what it looks like in firefox, seems to be fine in Opera and IE.


    12.6 KB · Views: 6
hmmm posssibly.. you mean close the gap if i were to remove the flash header?

do you think that would make my website too plain? because thats basically the only real image i have on my website..
IMHO removing the flash and taking the cell out, hense closing the gap would make it look nie, yes it would look simple but you site can take it, take alook around at some top sites, you`ll see they don`t have big graphics, sometimes nice and simple works better.