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managed wordpress hosting

Talkhost Free Hosting 200MB, 2GB, cPanel, RVskin, Fantastico, php, MySQL

Here is what I currently offer.....

Domain hosting
Sub-domain hosting (yourname.talkhost.info)
200mb space
2gb transfer
1 pop3 account (only for domain hosting. sub-domains do not qualify)
5 MySQL Db's
5 sub-domains
1 parked domain
etc etc

What do I want in return for free hosting?....

2 options here

1. 25 posts in forum for account activation and a few per week thereafter... or

2. Display my google ad on your homepage (half banner 234x60) You decide where it goes.

hotguy said:
good offer, but posting is not the choice

Well if posting is not your choice, there's always google ads. Actually 25 posts is really easy to get in that well populated forum. My site is hosted by Talkhost, pretty stable. The RV cpanel skin rocks btw.