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who is best hosting service for 1houre video plying?

I do not think so that you can get a free hosting provider capable of it, or may be some very strong servers paid to host company with a low server to client ratio, will be able to provide you with this request however I would recommend you to get a VPS for it ..
Because there are so many hosting companies accessible nowadays, choosing the correct one is critical. I believe you should first focus on your requirements. Among the various web hosting companies, those that can offer or satisfy all of your needs at a reasonable price are the ones you should consider as your future hosting provider.
If you're searching for dependable, low-cost web hosting with round-the-clock assistance, WHUK is the way to go.
who is best hosting service for 1houre video plying?

Hello, I believe that none of the site hosting providers will give you 1 hour. Other site hosting businesses, I believe, will not meet your requirements. However, if you need web host support for one hour, eTechSupport can help you. You only need to file a ticket, and they will help you.
If you're looking for free hosting, there are a few options out there (Vimeo/YouTube), but keep in mind that free services may have limitations in terms of bandwidth, speed, and storage, especially for playing a 1-hour video.

You might want to consider a reliable paid hosting service if you need consistent performance for video content. Some affordable hosting plans offer better uptime and support, which can be critical for video streaming.