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How get backlinks from.edu and .gov sites!

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New Member
How to get backlinks from.edu and .gov sites!

Hi there,

A lot of you may be struggling to get backlinks from authority sites i.e. .edu and .gov sites.

Links from these sites, as im sure you know, give you a lot of "SEO Juice" when it comes to google rankings.

Here is the google command to help you find blogs that you can comment on that are on .edu and .gov sites.

Please do not post spam on these blogs, your comment will not be displayed and you will just be wasting your time. The best thing to do is read the article first and post a helpful contribution to the blog.

Use these commands in google search.....

For .edu sites...
site:.edu inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” "KEYWORD"

Replace "KEYWORD" with your niche markets keyword.

For .gov sites...
site:.gov inurl:blog “post a comment” -”comments closed” -”you must be logged in” "KEYWORD

Replace "KEYWORD" with your niche markets keyword.

I really hope this helps you out.

I've found this very useful!

All the best
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Sorry Robust what seems like 'spammy'??

I hope you are not referring to this thread that i spent time writing and putting together and posting here with the intention of helping other members of the community promote their websites??? Because the above mentioned is not what i would regard as spam.....
Is there anyway to refine the search so that I only find blogs that have "dofollow" attributes? Posting comments on all these blogs is great but, if they're mostly nofollow linsk it's pretty pointless. Would be great if I could narrow the search and only list blogs with dofollow attributes.

Again, thanks for the info. Robust obviously has no idea how priceless this information is!
Unfortunately there isn't a google command(that i know of) that gives you only dofollow links, although technically speaking there is no such thing as a dofollow attribute, as 'dofollow' is just the lack of the 'nofollow' attribute.

If you feel you ONLY want 'dofollow' backlinks from these sites, simply go "view source" of the blog page and check to see if other commenters links have been 'nofollowed'

I hope that helps you guys out =)

(and thanks for the +rep!)
Its very hard to get back link form .edu or .gov site. if you will got a back link form here then its really more useful for your website.

Thank you for posting that addon, i downloaded it the other day and it's saved me soooooo much time!

Whoever at Mozilla came up with that is a genius....
Is there anyway to refine the search so that I only find blogs that have "dofollow" attributes?

I don't think its possible to locate dofollow only blogs using a search dork! (as far as i know of)
however, you can use firefox addon named as "NoDofollow" to make your life easy
it will highlight the nofollow links in red & dofollow in green so, you can easily skip the blogs which don't allow dofollow in comments ...
Why not just create a link on a real page that's hosted at a .edu domain and let the google spider take care of the rest? Personally, I don't think these "commands" are really going to do much of anything.
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