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Optimum use of an Article


New Member
Many webmasters have told that article submission is the best way to get backlinks and effective method of link building. But, I have seen in many sites that from article submission websites are getting very few backlinks. Can anyone SEO expert here to tell me that how can I make an optimum use of my article? And kindly, tell me that what are its importance?
There is no point in looking for large number of backlinks from limited content of from a single webpage or from a single domain also. Though an article provides your 2-3 backlinks they worth a lot. Also never write and approach an article to collects bakclinks only, pour some useful contribution through it, so that it will be indexed and ranked at good position in the search engine results for the title you have assigned to it.
Write original articles for your website. Start by writing articles that you can post on your website. It's very important that you stick with topics related to what you sell so you can keep your web content focused and targeted to the needs of those people who might be interested on what you sell. After posting your articles on your site or blog, ping your site's RSS feeds.