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I purchased a new server and I wanted to create a new hosting company but can not be accomplished all this by myself
So I wanted to be a partner with me is that I'm trying to build,
To anyone who cares about this matter email me private messages or on the following email
I hope that this would be in the earliest times
You really do need a domain you know. If you can pay for a server you have the funds to buy a URL as there a lot cheaper then a server.
no offense, but from what i see, u not only need a partner.
you need:
1. Funding (which is clearly that something you don't have)
2. Infrastructure (I mean a server, at least a VPS, not a reseller hosting account)
3. A domain name and its reputation (Something which is everyone concern about)
4. Skills and Knowledge (Which clearly shown in your other post where you saying that you don't even know how to set nameserver for your cPanel where it is actually something very simple to do)

I hope you do not feel offended by these.
But since you have 0 to contribute, no one will be willing to become your partner, since even if people take out the money, but they still have to do everything themself, they will rather do it themself rather than investing the money to someone who do not even have the knowledge to even manage a cPanel reseller hosting account.
no offense, but from what i see, u not only need a partner.
you need:
1. Funding (which is clearly that something you don't have)
2. Infrastructure (I mean a server, at least a VPS, not a reseller hosting account)
3. A domain name and its reputation (Something which is everyone concern about)
4. Skills and Knowledge (Which clearly shown in your other post where you saying that you don't even know how to set nameserver for your cPanel where it is actually something very simple to do)

I hope you do not feel offended by these.
But since you have 0 to contribute, no one will be willing to become your partner, since even if people take out the money, but they still have to do everything themself, they will rather do it themself rather than investing the money to someone who do not even have the knowledge to even manage a cPanel reseller hosting account.
yes thats truee
but i m just a starter and i have some knowldje on cpanel and servers i have bohght a vps since one munth and i can t start for now because i can t manage i allone
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You could've bought a managed vps maybe which would help you get it set up properly .
If you do have a managed vps scheme , contact your provider to provide you support and info , so also tutorials to do things yourself .

Best Regards,
actually wat u should do now is start off by getting those post to host reseller accounts and practice 1st, so that you will not wasting money while u are practicing.

and for server management knowledge, u should setup a linux PC at home without GUI and try to control everything via ssh. this can improve ur linux commands knowledge a lot.

when you feel that you are ready, then only try to buy a VPS and use the skills you have practiced on the VPS.

do it step by step in this learning process, don't think of doing it the fast way as you will not be able to really manage the server if you are too rush
Why are you using a .co.tv? If you can't afford a domain, how can you afford a server?
when you feel that you are ready, then only try to buy a VPS and use the skills you have practiced on the VPS.
You might want to check your spelling before you post, can seem a little unprofessional imo.

Keep your eyes peeled though, there's a lot of people wanting to start up web hosting companies such as yourself! good luck!