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managed wordpress hosting

Search results

  1. N

    Free Offer: 1 Complementry Hour with our Design Team! ( $55 Dollar Value)

    Nope step 3 is just for purchasing hours you should be fine now :)
  2. N

    Free Offer: 1 Complementry Hour with our Design Team! ( $55 Dollar Value)

    Thanks Esupun, please sign up i will credit your account and we will do our best to get you a logo you can be proud of :)
  3. N

    Free Offer: 1 Complementry Hour with our Design Team! ( $55 Dollar Value)

    At Neado Designs, we offering 1 Hour of Design Work completely Free ($55.00 Dollar Value) valid to all FreeWebSpace members. There is no obligation to buy further hours, and we include the PSD file(s) once the Free Hour is up. Through this approach, we would like to give everyone an opportunity...
  4. N

    My wordpress site, please give some advice

    Nice content structure, makes it very user friendly ^^ My suggestion would be to place your Logo next to your nav (removing the red bg) and making the nav thicker to align with the Logo text.
  5. N

    Review Design

    Great choices of blue and nice typography. I would recommend decreasing the size of the logo (to line up with the left edge of the content area) and smaller spacing between the nav titles.
  6. N

    Review my fashion trends website

    Nice work. Great color scheme and font choices. What I would suggest is separating the Logo from your Nav, and centering your Nav text with your search.
  7. N

    Neado Designs: Professional Graphic and Web Design Services

    At Neado Designs (http://www.NeadoDesigns.com), we provide a wide arrange of professional Web and Graphic Design Services. We suggest to first browse our Portfolio (http://www.NeadoDesigns.com/Portfolio) as it well documents the scope and quality of work you can expect from us. To view all that...
  8. N

    Need pointers on website

    I think you'll find this article helpful (http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_forms.asp).
  9. N

    PHP? Learning and Use of...

    For learning PHP, W3Schools is a great resource (http://www.w3schools.com/php/default.asp). Pixel2Life has some good PHP Tutorials (http://www.pixel2life.com/tutorials/php_coding/).
  10. N

    Did you custom design your site or use a template?

    Custom website designs are created in concept to assist clients in sending out the appropriate message for their companies, to draw in their desired visitors. They also help establish a professional image and brand recognition.
  11. N

    new hosting design site

    You've done a nice job, really like your fonts and icon choices. In your logo, I would suggest adjusting the dark blue to the brighter blue used in your snowflakes and content area, and changing the gray to green. In your banner, I would change "Host Unlimited Websites" to green text. I would...
  12. N

    New Design rolled out

    The yellows and blues blend well together, great choice of color scheme:) To allow for more flow, I would take out the "Welcome to Hostcule", and move up the banner just a few pixels below the nav. I'd put the three Hosting packages under the banner, and making them wider to align with it...
  13. N

    plz review my simple website :)

    Very clean and minimalistic. Nice work ^^