• Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers! /Peo, FreeWebSpace.net
managed wordpress hosting

1024MB Webspace & 5GB Bandwidth, No Ads or Pop-ups - 100% Free


New Member
At Spooted.com we offer the following package, 100% Free

- 1024 MB Disk Space
- 5 GB Bandwidth Per Month
- cPanel with RvSkin and Fantastico
- Many more features, Click Here

We have a great community which you can join, where you can start to earn yourself upgrades, we have no limit to how far you can upgrade your account.

If you have any questions or comments, please post them here, or PM me and ill do my best to answer them all.

Thank you,

strange registration method...


Why not mentioning this in the first place to avoid many clicks, reading a lot, but still being unable to go further in signing up. This is not a user friendly way of signing up. :shame:

Your site gave the following info:
Spooted! Free Web Hosting Signups are currently closed.

Due to the site being extremely popular, we have decided to only open our signup process at certain times, please see below for current opening times. We aim to get all accounts setup in under 24 hours. While you wait for the next opening time, please signup up at our forum and join the community. Signup Here

Application opening hours:-

Monday - Closed
Tuesday - Open 7pm (GMT+0) Close 9pm (GMT+0)
Wednesday - Open 6pm (GMT+0) Close 11pm (GMT+0)
Thursday - Closed
Friday - Closed
Saturday - Open 11am (GMT+0) Does not close
Sunday - Close 7pm (GMT+0)

Other countries like Germany are not even allowed... and they speak perfectly English.

Kind regards,
The Netherlands.
I undertand that spooted.com want website in english...even though im from malaysia but i can read,write and speak english very well...
Me to it's weird
i can speak better english then some english guys do

but the netherlands (a country where EVERYONE! learns english)
isnt even included!
I'm in the US, but after clicking through lots of agreements and stuff that seem to be trying to trick me into clicking on Google ads, I finally get:

Our quota has been filled, please try again later.

That's helpful.
Spooted.com only accepts signups from the following countries:-

^ If you are NOT from the above countries, please DO NOT APPLY for an account, YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE DECLINED ^

Due to high levels of fraud coming from countries other than the above, we regret to say we are unable to offer you web hosting

I'll bet my teeth that the number of "frauders" in USA is higher than the entire population of my country. No offense to the americans, I live in a small country. :)