• Howdy! Welcome to our community of more than 130.000 members devoted to web hosting. This is a great place to get special offers from web hosts and post your own requests or ads. To start posting sign up here. Cheers! /Peo, FreeWebSpace.net
managed wordpress hosting

5000webs.com - 4000MB Space, 8,000MB BW, PHP/MySql, No Ads/Posting, Inst. Activation!


New Member
4000webs.com - 4000MB Space, 8,000MB BW, PHP/MySql, No Ads/Posting, Inst. Activation!

www.4000webs.com offers fast, free, and reliable web hosting, with the following features:
* 4,000 MB disk space (4 GB)
* 8,000 MB transfer (8 GB Bandwidth)
* PHP/MySql Database
* NO Advertisements on userpages!
* A fast, friendly tech support team
* Easy to use WYSIWYG editor
* FREE subdomain (http://username.4000webs.com)!
* Domain support!
* Free forum - 1 click install
* FTP or browser-based file manager
* Blazing fast & reliable 99.9% uptime on top of the line Dual Core servers!
* Instant activation - Requires you to have Flash (7+ recommended), to view the security measure (flash image with text).
* Resources for beginners!
* And Much, Much More!

Note: If you do not receive your activation email, please check your spam box, as some email providers filter out activation emails into the spam box. If you still do not receive the email, try resigning up with a Yahoo email account (check bulkmail box too though). Accounts not activated within 1 hr are removed, so you can resign up with the same account.

You can rest assured that we, will not go away. We have been around for over a year and operate over 20 servers across the United States and around the world.
In addition:
- Sfcnet/TekDot is privately owned and has never solicited or received any outside capital.
- Sfcnet/TekDot has no debt.
- Sfcnet/TekDot has no exit strategy. Sfcnet seeks solely to continue to operate as a profitable business.
- Sfcnet/TekDot is cash flow positive and profitable.

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when i signed up the e-mail said free plans have ad's on them, my "blank" page on the end of the sign up had a banner on it. why do you state you dont have ad's? is that just a trick to lure people into your hosting?
No, it is not a trick. I'll edit that authorization email. As for your start page, I'm pretty sure you can remove those ads, but I'll remove them from the start page anyways.

yes we offer xpanel, but much faster speeds and more features. Mail isn't provided because it just bogs down the server and opens up more loopholes for spammers.


Edit: hasjee, check your page now.
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this is great, but although I feel very stupid asking, what details do i use for the ftp?

I cant find them anywhere.
Sorry guys had a server hickup, try resigning up.

cnelson, don't put spaces in the phone #.

mybest, the ftp details should be included in the welcome email you get after activating.
I cant seem to login.. It says "Invalid login format" :( and i know the password is right and the username
hello there! am sindhu, i jus registered with 4000webs.com. but am having trouble with the mySQL. what exactly is my mySQL db's username, pass and the server details. i need to fill it in my WP config file for the installation of WP 2.4 blog. please do reply soon. thankx !