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managed wordpress hosting

AHBHost.com - No Posts Required! No Ads Required Unless You Want To Have Ads!

1 ads only? what's the meaning of that? do we have to put ads in main page only?
and do you support post 2 host insetad of ads?
more than 80% of hostees are chinese.
will you delete all accounts and restart from the first after a month or so?

No, i will not delete all the accounts.

1 ads only? what's the meaning of that? do we have to put ads in main page only?
and do you support post 2 host insetad of ads?

Just put our ad onto your index/front page.
We arent supporting P2H but we will be having Paid to Host aswell as Free.

no instant signup?
No it isnt instant UNLESS there are admins online. If there are admins online, your application will be accepted/denied in atleast 10minutes or less. We Are Active
I own this domain "friends.aus.cc" but, when I'm trying to park it, it says another user already use it.
What's the problem?

My site is friends.ahbhost.com sorry, I can't access your forum, so I write it here.
Could you just change my domain to friends.aus.cc instead of park it?
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xiaojun24 said:
That means you have two account.
I don't have 2 accounts man. I registered only 1 account. and this all happen when I tried to put 4 nameservers and 1 A record for the same domain
They can, I've been using cpanel to park such domain for 1 year, and every host that I joined allowed me.
Thanks for fast setup.

But how long this emotion will end ??
I wonder if it will staying long ? and hope so cause i sig an account.

Excellent at fist.

P/s : I did not see CRON JOB in cpanel! Can i asking for that unit?
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Yes, Good support for me,

I just asked about CRON job then fatly receved reply from admin that which will be get as soon.

I have 2 more question:
___ Why AHBHost give this plan to free ?
___ Can i upgrate to bussinness plan ? (accept a ad) ?

Thanks for your support.