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I want to make a forum website (general) . Want a domain . What is your suggestion about bandwith and hosting space ? I am new and not know about much more.
Thanks for reply me I was a very upset about this matter because many people in my local area says about 5 Gb space and bandwith 6 Gb . I am little satisfied after this reply .
I want to make a forum website (general) . Want a domain . What is your suggestion about bandwith and hosting space ? I am new and not know about much more.
For just getting started, you'll be fine with 500MB space and 5GB bandwidth. Or if you plan on building a lot or have a popular topic, 1GB space and 10GB bandwidth has become a fairly standard baseline package for people. These can be had for right around $2 a month for one with decent quality behind it.
Domains vary in price, but most of the .com and .net domains run $10-$15 yearly to register and maintain.
Try looking at FlyHosting Solutions. Their Starter plan has 500 MB Disk Space and 1 GB bandwidth. With instant upgrades. Check them out here: FlyHosting Solutions Its only $3 a month. Plus its on an underloaded USA Server!