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managed wordpress hosting

best webhost with following specs


Also I've notice that yupapa.com destroy my hope! :)
They don't have a free package any longer!
I hoped I would be able to be in the first "N" some time! :p
f2s accounts need about a month to settle down and become quick and stable , but when they do , they are the best hosting on the web without a dobut.

Uptime for June : 98.36%
AV Connect time : 0.10 seconds

speaks for itself!
Originally posted by BC

You are kidding, right? ;) F2's has been saying that for over a year now.......:rolleyes:
The fact is they do

Uptime for June : 98.36%
AV Connect time : 0.10 seconds

when i first signed up it was crap
Originally posted by JustinSurfer

The fact is they do

Uptime for June : 98.36%
AV Connect time : 0.10 seconds

when i first signed up it was crap

But on WHICH server? That is the question!! :confused:
i have about 9 f2s accounts, i use them to host forums for people for free, and my first account was at 60% uptime, and 10 second connect time durin the first month, now after around 2 months, its at 85% uptime and 1.25 second connect time, my 2nd one i signed up for ended u on a different server they havem and it averaged around 40% uptime first month and 16 seconds connect time, now its at around 65% uptime and 5seconds, not bad, i use my first one for image hostin for people, and its where i host images i make for people and stuff like that, i use the rest for forum hosting, and i make daily backups of the forums i run, just in case :p
Originally posted by needcgispace
you could try 4nx2, but i doubt that they're still around.

4nx2 is still around, but they've disabled PHP temporarily because someone's been exploiting it.
Originally posted by BC

But on WHICH server? That is the question!! :confused:
server 39 , about 6 months old now , when you sign up you will not be getting very good uptime , but if you give it say a month you should be around 85% and after after a while you should be getting near 100%