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Can anyone make me a PHP site...


New Member
Hey All,

Im looking for an experienced PHP scriptor to create the site for a new domain the site is going to be for the domain in my sig. If you could do this i would really appreciate it i can also offer some on site advertising opportunities but thats all im afraid. If you can help please contact me via msn or private message.

Thanks in Advance all
umm, dont really know why anyone wud m8, sorry, but if I was scripting a really good site with member-lists + htaccess files etc, etc, etc. I would charge..... well, ummm, rather alot for it. :p
no member lists at all. all i want is for it to be able to put forums in order by there score out of 10 and have a vote system to allow peple to vote out of 10 and give a reason. Also a broken link option would be nice so people could notify me if it wasnt working. Thats all i need i dont know if it needs htaccess also a search bit to allow people to search for a specific forum and if there are no results it gives related forum names.
No you misunderstand i dont want a forum i want a website look at this : http://directory.google.com/ something like that but it will be for forums not websites. and have a rating system so users can rate the forums. and a hit monitor to show how many clicks it has recieved from the site.
Those sort of things can be found in a freeware script. Have a look on hotscripts.com and the like, looking for link list managemnt or something similar. They often have the features you're looking for, and plenty of people use them. Otherwise try a CMS, which might also have a good link listing and management system.

You'll have to realise though, that no matter how easy the script, a directory site involves a lot of work, monitoring all the sites listed, and making updates, because things change frequently. Just realise what you're letting yourself in for.
exactly. A forum may be better 4 u........ but if you want a directory, then u really need 2 know how 2 do it urself, or it really can go bad :p