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managed wordpress hosting

Cheap and Reliable Shoutcast hosting NEEDED!


New Member
Looking for SHOUTCAST HOSTING again!
please offer your plan here.. i will look through it.. thank you!
I was going to recommend you to hostingdepartment.net, they used to offer some great shoutcast packages which now seem gone from their website.

Try PM Craig as they may still offer them.
www.shoutcasti.com has some plans that will be able to suit you. If you give us a budget we can give you the plan that will meet your budget, and vice versa. Our site is down for the moment, until Monday, so you would not be able to have your server until Monday. We're sorry for the inconvenience, but please do give us a try! I used to be a customer, and the service was superb! If you would like to know any more please PM me!