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Yes!!! Most people want cPanel on Linux platform and Plesk on Windows platform... But everything is depend on features. Where people can work friendly with own customized control panel...
Most customers usually request for cPanel, although other hosting panels can do similar things.
Having a customized actually is better for the hoster, but hard to convince customers to buy hosting from u...
So both have pros and cons.
Most people prefer cPanel or DirectAdmin for shared/reseller hosting. Is there a reason you would want a custom control panel? If you'd prefer some extra features then it would be cheaper and easier to get a custom plugin.
And what specifically makes you say that? Most clients do not want a custom control panel, because of all sorts of issues. The main issue is simply compatibility, should they want to move their site someplace else.
Take a look around some of the hosting forums, and look at all the problems people have with GoDaddy, for example, and their custom control panel.
It depends.
If it is something like a cloud control panel, then build a custom ones would be great... until something much better and make it become a very popular control panel.
Not really the best idea, people get to comfortable with the likes of cPanel and so on, even if yours had all the features people may still find it annoying and look for a host that offers the control panel they are use to.
I think when a company provides a customized own control panel, it is a good sign. It means they try to make their services comfortable for their customers.
I agree with some of the above posts. A lot of people just want cPanel. I would go with some of the popular ones, so people know what they are getting. If your controle panel is just as good as cPanel, i do not see any reason why not to use it.
You should go with cPanel as most webmasters are familiar with it. And, it is always easier to find tutorial about cPanel than other costumized control panel. You should notice on newbie factor too