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Dedicated Server needed. LARGE!


Chairman/CEO TMCG
I am not sure if anyone here can provide this or not. If not, then I am sure you know of a company that can.

A partner and I are looking to start a company similiar to myspace.com. Just in a bit of different terms. We have everything ready to go. Just need the space.

We know a dedicated server is going to be the way to go, but I have spoken with a few people, and also know we are going to need a lot more than just one as well.

If you can provide this or know of a company who can provide this, then please let me know.

The company has to have been in business for several years, and be very professional and quick reply times. I have one company we are currently looking at, but I want to see what else we can find.

Edit: I forgot to mention, that money isnt a problem.
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Hello GeorgeB,
I can suggest you two small companies but i'm sure you will hardly find better.
If your project grow faster you will be attacked (ddos, dos, etc) every day, every hour, every minute and almost all datacenters will just unplug your server.

You must look at a relliable DDoS protection, i recommend:

Both are in Los Angeles area, and latencies are smallers than 3ms between the two.

How many servers do you need? And what is the bottleneck in your app? CPU? Disk? Bandwidth? You surely did an analysis of that.

We can set you up on one or several servers, there is also a lof of room to expand to.

Contact us to discuss your specific situation: sales@intekhostng.com
CartikaHosting.com looks good, seeing is how we can buy additional servers from them, if we need to.

Softlayer.com looked good as well. Does anyone know if you can buy more when you need them?

Also do any of these offer managed services?

Meaning they will come with people being able to manage them for you and to put some sort of control panel up, so you can do like email addresses and everything else. Thanks for all the suggestions/offers.
George I believe you said the magic words ;)

I would reccomend an Intel Dual WoodCrest Server

Our standard server comes with a 250 GB HD, 2 GB Ram, and 100 Mbit Port.

You may want to upgrade this further...In which case We also offer:

10/100 Mbit Unmetered Connections
Up to 4 GB Ram
Up to two 250 GB Hard Drives
Juniper NetScreen 25/50/Dedicated Firewall
Intrusion Detection Reporting

Please contact me at admin@northcentralonline.com to discuss this further.


On a side note I wouldn't be able to post this in good conscious if I didn't say......You may not want to go "all the way" if you are just starting this idea. Your server should grow with the amount of traffic you get.

If your just starting a website, unless Google ranks you as #1 and you get on CNN (Myspace) then you probably don't need a server with everything. Either way please let me know, and good luck!
Have you considered going with co-locating your own server(s) with a local datacenter for such needs? Sounds like you're going to need flexibility.
Perhaps you don't need to start with a dedicated, start with a large shared plan and upgrade as you go along.
I am not sure if anyone here can provide this or not. If not, then I am sure you know of a company that can.

A partner and I are looking to start a company similiar to myspace.com. Just in a bit of different terms. We have everything ready to go. Just need the space.

We know a dedicated server is going to be the way to go, but I have spoken with a few people, and also know we are going to need a lot more than just one as well.

If you can provide this or know of a company who can provide this, then please let me know.

The company has to have been in business for several years, and be very professional and quick reply times. I have one company we are currently looking at, but I want to see what else we can find.

Edit: I forgot to mention, that money isnt a problem.
May I susgest http://www.staminus.net
you pay that little bit extra but as you said money is not a issue!!! they do support IRC but they put non IRC servers on other lines so you dont get HIT by the IRC DDoS

There bandwdith isnt cheap its good bandwdith witch is what you need for something like this! each server comes with 1.2TB of bandwdith!
There uptime is amazing and service is 1337!
I susgest these guys for your idea! they have been in biz for ages! contact them for more info! :beer:
If you really need to go dedicated to start, and if your projects that scale then have a look at the GNAX partner list http://www.gnax.net/dedicatedservers/index.php the DC is the thing and GNAX is arguably the or at least one of the best.

The providers listed will be able to advise individually on what support/management you can get and most will happily cluster server for you under management.
If you really need to go dedicated to start, and if your projects that scale then have a look at the GNAX partner list http://www.gnax.net/dedicatedservers/index.php the DC is the thing and GNAX is arguably the or at least one of the best.

The providers listed will be able to advise individually on what support/management you can get and most will happily cluster server for you under management.

Your display pic makes me think of a angry robot! so it also makes me think your angry

You have gave many people a complex! :cry2:

Almost forgot to say what I replyed for thanks for the link even im looking @ that. :p very handy!
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Your display pic makes me think of a angry robot! so it also makes me think your angry

You have gave many people a complex! :cry2:

Almost forgot to say what I replyed for thanks for the link even im looking @ that. :p very handy!

It's a scared robot - Bender as he's just sh*t a brick (literally), following the crew of Futurama being told by police that they are 'partially surrounded' :lol:

Why would that give anyone a complex?

S'okay :)